PreK-2 Teachers: Sign Up for Fall Space Foundation Space/Science Pilot
Written by: developer
This fall, the Space Foundation is piloting a two-day graduate-level professional development program for PreK - 2nd grade teachers and administrators, centered on space and science education for early learners. The program will help teachers build math and science competency in their students through dynamic hands-on activities, including rocketry, earth science, biology, astronomy, robotics, and tools astronauts use. The course contains standards-based science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curriculum and projects that are instantly transferable to the classroom.
This initial program will be the prelude to a five-day graduate-level Space Discovery Institute, planned to begin during summer 2010. There is no fee for participation in the pilot, but attendees must agree to provide an evaluation of the course and course materials upon completion. PreK - 2nd grade teachers and administrators interested in taking part in the pilot, which will be held in Colorado Springs in the early fall, should contact the Space Foundation Education team at 719-576-8000.
This article is part of Space Watch: May 2009 (Volume: 8, Issue: 5).