Story Tells the Army's Story
Written by: developer
The last morning presentation at the 26th National Space Symposium featured Brigadier General Kurt S. Story, USA, Deputy Commanding General for Operations, U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command and his presentation, “Talking Space – The Army’s Story.”
“Americans want war to be well contained and well defined,” said Gen. Story. “But that isn’t the reality in anti-terrorism activities. We have the job of providing anti-terrorist security.”
Story emphasized the importance of “investing in soldiers in the battlefield,” saying, “we need to enable them.” He spoke about “degraded, denied, and disrupted space operational environment,” saying that U.S. troops have not had adequate intelligence, such as knowing the size of an attack so they can be better equipped … and better aware of when they’re being interfered with.”
Story also said there is a need to understand what other solutions are available.
“Critical warfighter needs from space include: position, navigation and timing, and satellite communications.”
Photo by Tom Kimmell
This article is part of Space Watch: June 2010 (Volume: 9, Issue: 6).