Report from Washington, D.C.
OMB Guidance Would Cut 2013 NASA Budget
Written by: developer
August 17, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sent out its annual budget guidance memorandum to all federal agencies as they begin to build their FY 2013 budget plan submissions.This year’s memorandum directs agencies to submit their budget requests at 5 percent less than what they received for FY2011. For NASA, that means $17.52 billion – down from $18.45 billion.
In addition, agencies must also show the impact of a 10 percent cut from the FY2011 enacted level in order to “provide the President with the information to make the tough choices necessary to meet the hard spending targets in place and the needs of the Nation.” In NASA’s case, a 10 percent cut would leave the agency with a $16.6 billion budget request for FY 2013.
This article is part of Space Watch: September 2011 (Volume: 10, Issue: 9).