Space Foundation News
Report on International Engagement at 12th Annual Colorado Space Roundup
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In December, Space Foundation Chief Operating Officer Shelli Brunswick presented a summary of Space Foundation international affairs while speaking at the 12th Annual Colorado Space Roundup in Denver, Colo. The Space Foundation was a sponsor of the Roundup, hosted by the Colorado Space Business Roundtable, and had a booth at the event.
In her comments, Brunswick mentioned Space Foundation participation in the World Satellite Business Week, conducted by Euroconsult in Paris, and also highlighted the following:
The U.S.-German Aerospace Roundtable (UGART) brings together German and American companies and organizations to promote greater understanding of requirements, capabilities and opportunities for mutual benefit. Held alternately in each nation, the UGART has produced a number of bi-lateral cooperative agreements. The most recent UGART was held in November in Bremen, Germany. More than 60 executives and officials, including ESA and DLR leadership, from the U.S. and Germany participated in facilities visits, formal discussions and networking opportunities.
66th International Astronautical Congress
A Space Foundation delegation attended the 66th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Jerusalem in October, and presented papers and participated in panels at the Host’s Summit, the International Institute of Space Law, a Global Network Forum and the Space Generation Congress.
Executive Roundtable on European Space Collaboration
The Space Foundation presented a keynote at the Executive Roundtable on European Space Collaboration in Stockholm, and has been active in advising a cabinet-level review of space activities at the 2015 U.K. Space Conference at the invitation of the U.K. Space Agency.
Latin America
The Space Foundation has undertaken a deliberate effort to increase engagement across all customer segments in the Latin America region, and brought on Dan Jones as Special Advisor- Latin America Affairs. At the 32nd Space Symposium in April, the Space Foundation will conduct, in partnership with the Secure World Foundation, a special by-invitation LATAM Workshop and other activities. The Space Foundation is also working closely with the Mexican Space Agency (AEM) in promoting the 2016 IAC, to be held in Guadalajara.
United Arab Emirates (UAE) Engagement
The Space Foundation continues to engage with UAE industry and government, both in the UAE and in Washington, D.C., in a variety of activities. The Space Foundation serves in unofficial advisory capacities, particularly as it relates to education activities with the UAE Space Agency.
The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS)
For more than 16 years, the Space Foundation has served as a Private Sector Advisor on the United States delegation to the Committee and the Science and Technical Sub-Committee. In this role, the Space Foundation’s representatives have participated in Working Groups, delivered technical presentations, hosted receptions for delegates and worked special activities with the Office of Outer Space Affairs.
The Space Foundation’s Washington, D.C., team has established relationships and conducted briefings with eight new officials from the diplomatic community. They engages with attaches and agency representatives throughout Washington and attend embassy events.
Brunswick informed the Colorado Space Roundup attendees that the Space Foundation offers more than 10 years of global space data through The Space Report Online. She said, going forward, “…as space policies call for more global cooperation, the Space Foundation will continue to increase efforts in international engagement.”
This article is part of Space Watch: January 2016 (Volume: 15, Issue: 1).