Below you will find a list of resources, only accessible to our established Certified Partners. You will be provided a separate link to obtain seals for Space Certified Technology, Data, Education, or Creative products. If you need something that is missing from this list, please email [email protected]. 

General Certification Graphics Kit

As a Space Certification Program Partner, you are entitled to display the official Space Certification Program seal.  The Space Certification seal provides a point of comparison with other products and services. Certification offers a unique distinction and serves to reinforce your corporate promise of quality to your customers by tying your products and services more closely to the excitement and prestige of the space program.

Given the importance of your brand and ours, we have created usage standards that must be followed when using the space certification seal in all media and under all circumstances. Please reference Exhibit C in your agreement for further details on use guidelines. 

The Space Certification Seal PMS color assignments for the logo are listed below:

  • Red – PMS #192
  • Blue – PMS #280
  • Black


Public Relations and Marketing Support Kit

This kit gives an overview of the many ways the Space Foundation can help you market your Space Certification™ product(s) and/or services. It includes:

  • The types of support the Space Foundation offers
  • What the Space Foundation needs from your company
  • How the Space Foundation can collaborate with your company
  • Space Foundation contact information
  • An overview of the Space Technology Hall of Fame® and how it works in conjunction with the Space Certification™ program
  • Official Space Certification™ descriptions to use in marketing materials


PR Marketing Support

Stock Photos

Below are a selection of stock photos available for partner use. These photos come from NASA. If you use them, please add "Photo courtesy of NASA" in small but visible print somewhere in your designed pieces when possible.
