Report from Headquarters
Second View: Feel the Love
Written by: developer
Beginning this month, Space Watch includes a new monthly feature, called Second View, that shares a viewpoint from a Space Foundation team member. The column complements CEO Elliot Pulham’s The View From Here and expands our ability to share Space Foundation views and issues. This inuagural column is by Space Foundation Vice President – Marketing & Communications Janet Stevens.
Space folks don’t always feel the love these days… U.S. human spaceflight capability has lapsed… the NASA budget languishes at a measly 0.45 percent of the federal budget… citizens, distressed with the economy, muse about why we spend anything on space…
People who are in the space business know very well that the space industry deserves a lot of respect – and love – for many things… the joy of pure discovery… the ability to publicly signal scientific and technological prowess… the boost that high-tech jobs and high-tech manufacturing give to our economy… the inspiration for some darn good movies and TV shows… and, most of all, the way space research makes our lives better, easier, safer and more comfortable.
A huge volume of vastly diverse research has gone into building rockets, sending people into space (and safely bringing them back), deploying satellites, examining the distant cosmos and planning long-duration missions. Plus, a wide range of scientific experimentation has been conducted in the microgravity environment of the International Space Station. What we learn in these scientific pursuits eventually gets translated into products and services we use every day here on Earth.
The range of products is broad: the GPS system that helps us find our way, conduct transactions, move products and protect our national security; pressure-relieving surfaces that originally cushioned Apollo astronauts and now make comfy mattresses; sunglasses that block dangerous UV radiation; water purification systems; ultra-lightweight heatsheet blankets and radiant barrier insulation; temperature-regulating clothing; bio-friendly oil spill remediation systems; chiropractic diagnostic and treatment equipment; medical equipment; life-saving food supplements; energy-saving vehicle designs; cordless tools; and on and on and on.
When we’re in the business, we know about these things. We celebrate them. We tend to believe that everyone grasps – the way we do – how much space research benefits society. But, they don’t! And, if we know what’s good for us, part of our job is to help them understand so that they – as citizens and voters and students – will support our business in their communities, at the ballot box, in the stock market and in their education and career choices.
That’s why the Space Foundation sponsors two important Space Awareness programs: Space CertificationTM and the Space Technology Hall of Fame®. Both recognize significant space innovations that have been translated into valuable technologies to improve our lives on Earth. Both educate about the value of space exploration and utilization. And both, through their very existence, advocate for space.
Space Certification is a marketing program. Products and services that display the Space CertificationTM seal are guaranteed to have stemmed from or been dramatically improved by technologies originally developed for space exploration or to have significant impact in teaching people about the value of space utilization.
The program serves three purposes:
- Providing a unique marketing edge from a space connection
- Demonstrating to the public how space technologies improve life on Earth
- Making space knowledge more interesting and accessible to everyone
Space Certification has three classifications:
- Certified Technology Products – Products or services that directly result from space technology or space program development or advances in space technology
- Certified Educational Products – Products used in educational environments to stimulate interest in and knowledge about space
- Certified Imagination Products – Entertainment products, games or toys that increase interest in and excitement for space and inspire new generations to take an active interest in space
We scrutinize Space Certification products and services working closely with NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and other organizations engaged in space research and development to identify and validate that they are eligible for and deserving of recognition.
We work with our partners to help them use Space Certification to market their products – and, in so doing, they help spread the word that space produces tangible benefits for all of us.
The Space Technology Hall of Fame® is a prestigious and scholarly recognition program that honors those who transform space technology to improve the quality of life here on Earth. Induction into the Space Technology Hall of Fame® is considered – and, rightly so – a high honor for the space innovators. Plus, it also serves to increase public awareness and encourage further innovation. Since 1988, we have proudly inducted more than 65 technologies and honored hundreds of organizations and individuals in the Space Technology Hall of Fame®.
The Space Foundation manages these programs for two reasons: to support our mission to advance space-related endeavors to inspire, enable and propel humanity; and to support the space industry and our space industry partners.
In other words, we do this for our industry and for our belief that space exploration is a worthy endeavor.
In return, we ask our industry to help us make these programs better and stronger. There are many things that can be done: facilitate introductions with businesses that manufacture or sell space-derived products; nominate extraordinary innovations for the Space Technology Hall of Fame; educate customers, employees and the media about space technologies, using the two Space Foundation programs as “teaching tools;” and buy Certified Space Products whenever you can.
We all want the same thing: a robust, productive and relevant space industry. Let’s all work together to make that happen.
Need more information? Check out these sites:
Watch these videos:
- The Envy of the Universe
- The Space Certification Program
- Interview on Space Technology
- Space Technology Hall of Fame Dinner: 27th National Space Symposium
- Space Technology Hall of Fame Program Overview
Contact us and give us your ideas at [email protected].
This article is part of Space Watch: January 2012 (Volume: 11, Issue: 1).