Space Certification SealSpace technology touches and enhances practically every aspect of life on Earth. Much of what improves our lives — healthcare, communications, travel, recreation, entertainment — benefits directly from technology originally developed for space exploration. Technologies developed to get us "out there" come home to improve life on Earth. Become a Partner — certify your product today!

“Since we’ve been involved with Space Foundation and are able to utilize the technology seal on our products and in our advertising and marketing, we’ve seen a remarkable increase in our sales and awareness of our company and our products.”

-Eagle Eyes

Why Get Your Product Certified?

Certified products often set the standard for innovation, comfort, convenience, and dependability. Licensed use of the official Certified Space Technology® seal allows the companies that produce and market these products to tie their business to the excitement of space while helping inform the public of how space exploration directly benefits life on Earth.

Exceptional Benefits

Specific benefits include licensed use of the official Certified Space Technology® seal in your marketing and communications efforts, a valuable presence on the official Certified Space Technology® website, inclusion in Certified Space Technology® literature, a Certification folder for display in your corporate office, joint press release and media support, and listings in advertisements and program books for the Space Symposium, and other Space Foundation publications.

Through the marketing efforts of Space Foundation, products with the Certified Space Technology® seal prominently displayed benefit from the synergy of millions of space messages delivered each year. Space Foundation supports the marketing efforts of each Certified Partner to promote your company and product in the marketplace.

Space Foundation is known for its excellent reputation in the national and international space industry and offers your business excellent networking opportunities.

Certified Space Technology Products

The Certified Space Technology® seal can be licensed to companies whose products and services demonstrate a genuine and viable link to technologies created by or used in a space program. There are thousands of products and services that incorporate space technology, including satellite television and radio, Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation, cellular communications, advanced industrial lubricants, robotics, plastics, and a list of life saving medical technologies.

Certified Space Technology Partners

Our Certified Partners receive special recognition for successfully bringing the benefits of space technology to everyday lives on Earth. Certification ties your business to the power, excitement, sciences, and engineering of space exploration and shows your customers how space technology improves their lives on Earth. Applying is your first step toward official certification and takes just a short time to complete.

Featured Certified Space Technology Products

Fisher Space Pen

Unlike many innovations within NASA, the technology behind the Fisher Space Pen which allows for astronauts to write in a zero-gravity environment, was completely developed privately without any government assistance, by Paul C. Fisher. Paul spent most of the 1960’s developing his technology hoping to gain the attention of NASA, and it worked! Fisher Space…

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Protective Coating for Ceramic Materials (PCCM)

Emisshield Inc. manufactures and sells a wide variety of high-emissivity coatings for use in commercial and industrial applications. The technology behind the coating was invented at NASA’s Ames Research Center in the early 1990’s. The substance was dubbed the Protective Coating for Ceramic Materials (PCCM). The coating could be applied in a very thin film,…

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Space Salsa

NASA, looking to significantly reduce weight, has been using rehydratable food and drinks for decades. During the Space Shuttle era to rehydrate food and drinks, astronauts used the water from the byproduct of the shuttle’s fuel cells. On the International Space Station, wastewater is filtered to remove impurities and contaminants to provide clean water. Retired…

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Aspen Laser Systems, LLC

Aspen Laser is an FDA registered medical device company specializing in photomedicine with a unique focus and expertise in photobiomodulation (PBM) that is an alternative to pharmaceuticals and other therapeutic modalities. Photobiomodulation (PBMT) is a noninvasive and painless light-based therapy treatment for a number of conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, and acute joint or muscle…

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TheraLight, LLC

TheraLight is a medical device company that is at the forefront of providing LED light therapy (low-level light therapy, or LLLT), now referred to as photobiomodulation (PBMT). PBMT is a noninvasive treatment that can reduce pain and inflammation, and encourage faster healing in wounds, tendons, nerves, and bones, safely and without the use of drugs.…

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Bacillus Lysate, Active Ingredient in Commercial UV Protection

Bacillus Lysate, ingredient for commercial UV protection and incorporation into personal care products. Using a unique biological isolate, obtained from a national space exploration agency, Delavie Sciences has developed an ingredient that demonstrates significant UV absorption profiles. Researched on the exterior of The International Space Station, Delavie Sciences enhanced the efficacy of the isolate by…

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Nano-filter Technology

Water is a precious resource in space because it is heavy, and therefore difficult to transport. Excellent water filtration systems are a must for space travel, as it can be disastrous to waste a single drop. With the help of NASA scientists, Water Pure Technologies developed a new form of water filtration for use in…

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Advanced lubricants and engine treatments

To transport a 12-million-pound spacecraft from an assembly plant to a launchpad, NASA uses a shuttle transporter called a Crawler, which requires a large quantity of track lubricant. But they ran into a problem in the mid-1990s: The lubricant used for this machine up was both ineffective and bad for the environment. That is where…

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life’sDHA® is a nutritional supplement derived from 1980s NASA research into nutritional supplements for astronauts in space, and for space colonists of the future. One of the biggest hurdles NASA faces is the issue of long-term life support systems—mainly how to make them compact and energy efficient. NASA and the Martin Marietta Corporation began experimenting…

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Trizar™ Technology

NASA developed Protective Ceramic Coating Material (PCCM) to protect spacecraft from scorching temperatures during reentry into Earth’s atmosphere. These coatings work by having a “high emissivity.” Emissivity is defined as the ratio of the energy radiated from a material’s surface to that radiated from a perfect emitter (known as a blackbody) at the same temperature…

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Our seal of certification has been updated. You may still see our previous seal on our Certified Partners' products.