Space Certification Program Welcomes Two New Partners
Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team
The Space Foundation is pleased to welcome two new Certified Space Technology partners - Sigma Space Corporation and Deeya Energy Incorporated. These companies are being recognized for their Optotraffic DLS-10 Automated Red Light and Speed Enforcer and Electrical Energy Storage Systems, respectively.
Sigma Space Corporation
The Optotraffic DLS-10 Automated Red Light and Speed Enforcer is a Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)-based system that measures vehicle speed and photographs those vehicles violating traffic lights or exceeding posted speeds. The images and LIDAR-based speed readings are then used to generate traffic citations.
Optotraffic is a subsidiary of Sigma Space Corporation. Headquartered in Lanham, Md., Sigma Space Corporation is one of the fastest growing providers of optoelectronic aerospace instrumentation for NASA, Department of Defense (DoD), and commercial customers. Sigma Space products include pioneering instrumentation in LIDAR, laser ranging, attitude determination, spectroscopy, and radiometry for remote sensing and defense applications. The Optotraffic DLS-10 system is based on their experience delivering LIDAR systems to NASA including Micropulse Lidar, Cloud Physics Lidar, TwiLITE, and components of the Geoscience Laser Altimeter instrument on the currently-orbiting IceSAT.
More information about the Optotraffic DLS-10 system is available at For additional information about Sigma Space Corporation visit
Deeya Energy Incorporated
Headquartered in Fremont, Calif., with offices in Gurgaon, India, Deeya Energy, Inc. is a technology company that is developing and manufacturing innovative Electrical Energy Storage Systems. Deeya's technology is a hybrid of Iron-Chromium Redox flow batteries developed by NASA in the early 1970s as a potential alternate energy source for long-term space flight.
Using this proprietary L-Cell technology, Deeya plans to commercialize the peak-off-peak load shifting market estimated to be worth $10B for electricity consumers and worth $160B for electricity producers and distributors. Deeya technology will also enable commercial energy storage in renewable energy and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) industries, presently estimated at $5B. Deeya L-Cells are effectively three times less expensive than lead-acid batteries, and 10-20 times less expensive than NiMH, Li-Ion and fuel cell options. The system represents a clean energy technology with no poisonous or expensive metals or fume release.
More information about Deeya is available at
The Space Certification program was created by the Space Foundation, in cooperation with NASA, to raise awareness and understanding about space and the significant and practical benefits of technologies originally developed for the space program, which have been adapted into products and services that improve life on Earth. For more information about these and other space technologies - visit the Space Certification Program online at
This article is part of Space Watch: January 2008 (Volume: 7, Issue: 1).