Global Space
World Space Week 2015
Written by: developer
by Jami Sunkel, Space Foundation Space Education Specialist
The Space Foundation will kick off World Space Week at its Discovery Center in Colorado Springs by offering an out-of-this-world field trip experiences for students and educators.
More than 250 Pikes Peak region students will be visiting the Discovery Center for Audience with an Astronaut™ featuring Dr. Leroy Chiao, a former NASA astronaut and International Space Station commander who serves as the Space Foundation's Special Advisor - Human Spaceflight.
The visiting students will also complete a robotics mission on "Mars" in our Lockheed Martin Space Education Center, and experience a tour through the solar system using Science on a Sphere® in the Northrop Grumman Science Center.
During the week, the Space Foundation education team will visit James Irwin Charter School in Colorado Springs for a live astronaut presentation to more than 700 students.
Our premier education event during World Space Week is an exclusive STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) program at the U.S. Air Force Academy, where 300 local students will be bused in for an astronaut presentation, space systems demonstration, a chemistry magic show and fun with physics.
The final stop that week for the Space Foundation education team will be classroom visits to several Colorado Springs schools for STEM presentations.
The general public will also be able to share in the excitement of World Space Week by spending time with Dr. Chiao on Saturday, Oct. 10, for the Breakfast with an Astronaut event at the Discovery Center, 4425 Arrowswest Drive. To learn more about this once-in-a-lifetime event, and to purchase tickets, click here.
Learn about the history of World Space Week and its global celebrations here.
This article is part of Space Watch: October 2015 (Volume: 14, Issue: 10).