Report from Headquarters
Space Certification Program Recognizes New Technologies
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UniRem Helps Clean Up Environment
Universal Remediation’s (UniRem) Petroleum Remediation Product (PRP) was recently recognized by the Space Foundation as a Certified Space Technology. This space technology-based product provides safe and permanent removal of petroleum-based pollutants from oil spills and fuel leaks in water resources around the world.
PRP is, in essence, hollow spheres of beeswax that can be spread over water or soil to absorb, contain, and safely dispose of hydrocarbon pollutants. The highly absorbent spheres immediately bind with any existing hydrocarbons and provide nutrients to naturally occurring microbes. The feeding microbes then create enzymes that biodegrade contaminants.
The basic delivery system grew out of NASA biological encapsulation research and experimentation in the orbital production of microspheres. Working with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Marshall Space Flight Center, UniRem rapidly commercialized this space technology.
UniRem continues to find new uses for this amazing space technology-based bioremediation tool to provide safe, natural, and effective ways to keep our water resources pure. PRP was inducted into the Space Technology Hall of Fame in a ceremony during the 24th National Space Symposium earlier this year
For more information, visit
Origin Labs Clear Things Up
New Certified Space Technology Purosol Optical, a specialized lens cleaner from Origin Laboratories, was originally developed for NASA and the U.S. military for use on high-end multi-coated optics. Combining the power of organic plant extracts and state-of-the-art green chemistry, it is the world’s most advanced cleaning solution.
Purosol Optical uses advanced surface chemistry to break the molecular bonds that dust, dirt, and grime use to adhere to lenses. It contains no alcohol, ammonia, detergent, or other traditional solvents which can damage lense coatings. It is also streak-free and leaves an anti-static barrier which repels dust to reduce cleaning frequency. As an all natural product, Purosol Optical is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, nonflammable, sterile and completely biodegradable.
Utilized by the U.S. and Canadian militaries, national laboratories, hospitals, research facilities, observatories, and professional photographers, Purosol Optical is trusted for use on the best optical lenses in the world. Purosol Optical was recognized with the 2007 National Parenting Award for safe products in the home.
For more information, visit
A Breakthrough In Cleaner Air
EcoQuest recently added the Fresh Air No Ozone air purification unit to its list of Space Certified Technologies. Fresh Air No Ozone employs the same pulse ionization technology as other Fresh Air units with an ActivePure Radiant Catalytic Ionization (RCI) cell that is just as effective but produces absolutely zero ozone in normal mode. Kansas State University studies show the Fresh Air No Ozone ActivePure (RCI) cell’s ability to combat mold, bacteria, virus, and VOCs is equivalent to that of the standard ActivePure cell. The new unit still offers the high mode option for quick odor eradication with ozone and the 2, 4, 6, and 8-hour away mode option.
This article is part of Space Watch: August 2008 (Volume: 7, Issue: 8).