Report from Washington, D.C.

Kehler Sets Priorities at Hearing

Written by: developer

Kehler Sets Priorities at Hearing The Senate Armed Service Committee held a hearing on Nov.18 on President Barack Obama’s nomination of Air Force Gen. C. Robert Kehler to lead U.S. Strategic Command, based at Offutt AFB, Neb.

During the hearing, Kehler outlined his top four priorities as commander, if confirmed:

  • Provide a safe, secure and effective strategic nuclear force to provide strategic deterrence for the U.S. and its allies
  • Consult with the  U.S. Central Command commander and the other combatant commanders to provide capabilities for current combat operations
  • In line with the new national space policy, preserve U.S. access to space and freedom of action in space by improving awareness and providing resilient capabilities for the joint fighter
  • Define relationships across federal agencies with cyberspace responsibilities to enhance the nation’s cyber security and support to joint operations

Sen. James Webb (D-VA) announced he had lifted his hold on Gen. Kehler’s nomination in a response to a matter unrelated to the General. The Senate Armed Services Committee has not scheduled a date to vote on Gen. Kehler’s nomination.

Since October 2007, Gen. Kehler has served as commander of U.S. Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. He served as deputy commander of U.S. Strategic Command from May 2005 to October 2007.

To read Gen. Kehler’s entire answers to advance questions, click here.



This article is part of Space Watch: December 2010 (Volume: 9, Issue: 12).