Space Foundation News

Cyber Industry Dialog II Panel

Written by: developer

In the second cyber industry panel of Cyber 1.2, the panel discussed challenges organizations face in adapting structure, strategy, processes and workforce. Key points made by panelists – in both their opening remarks and in the Q&A session – include:

John Higginbotham, chairman & chief executive officer, Blue Ridge Networks: Cybersecurity is often seen as a cost, but we should care about it because enterprises and careers are at risk. The “real costs” of poor cyber security are lives, national security, reputation, careers, lost assets, efficiency, convenience and budget. The annual costs for cybersecurity software and hardware at more than $100 per user, plus more than $200 soft cost for maintenance. We need a “layered defense,” through which cyber defense would get the additional attention it needs. There must be a way to bring innovations that already exist into the game.

Michael Glenn, director – enterprise technology security, CenturyLink: We will need organizations to collaborate in communities of trust – private, government, and hybrid. Network protections will be critical, especially between suppliers and manufacturers and for smaller suppliers. You must assume your system will be compromised; we need small centers of trust to address this.

The Honorable James B. Longley, Jr., executive director, Advanced Technical Intelligence Association: It is difficult to reconcile the needs of commanders with what the support establishment is willing/able to do. Defense missions and intelligence missions have different goals, and we should consider what happens when technologies can do both. We can’t keep becoming more like we were; instead, we need to become more of what we should be.

Glenn Veach, chief technology officer, Relevant Security Corp.: We need trust, security of supply chain and fast and small systems in order to innovate in cybersecurity. If innovation is to happen, the 28th National Space Symposium audience needs to be first adopters, and then move into the commercial sector next. Young people interested in cybersecurity aren’t interested in studying 40 years of history to learn about the field.

Panel Moderator Deborah Westphal, managing director, Toffler Associates: We need disruptive innovation not only in technology, but also in organizations, processes and relationships.

Cyber 1.2  was held on April 16, immediately before the 28th National Space Symposium.

See photos here.