Discover Space
Youngstown looks to jump aboard growing global space economy
Written by: Danielle Cotterman 21 WFMJ

*This piece was originally published by WFMJ
And today officials say the global space economy is worth more than 400 billion dollars and predict that number to grow into the trillions over the next 20 years.
It’s been more than 50 years since we put a man on the moon.
And today, officials say the global space economy is worth more than $400 billion and predict that number to grow into the trillions over the next 20 years.
So, how can Youngstown get a piece of the pie? That was the focus of a workshop earlier this week.
“When you’re thinking about space, you might be thinking about astronauts and launch vehicles, and those are awesome. But what’s even better is space technology is in our health care, our communications, our agriculture, our manufacturing techniques, our education, that’s where the explosive growth is going to happen in the future space economy,” said Shelli Brunswick, Space Foundation Chief Operating Director
Space Foundation is a national non-profit organization. They helped organize a workshop at Youngstown State University to work alongside the Youngstown Business Incubator and Ohio’s Minority Business Development Division to discuss how to launch successful businesses.
“If we ignite small business, minority business, women business, veteran businesses, students we can ignite technology throughout the country and technology innovation leads to job growth,” said Brunswick.
The Space Foundation has hosted eight workshops so far in six states. Youngstown is one of them.
“We can bring in the connections and the information on how to be apart of the future space economy, but I need to partner with people here in the community to create the right workforce, the right entrepreneurship skills. So it’s a team effort, and we want to be on the team,” said Brunswick.
More information on Space Foundation can be found at SpaceFoundation.Org.