Space Foundation Reports
Reports and White Papers
The Space Foundation provides credible and authoritative space information through White Papers, policy and budget analyses, special reports, briefings and presentations.
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U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Subcommittee of Space and Science “Government Promotion of Safety and Innovation in the New Space Economy” Wednesday, December 13, 2023 Watch the Hearing Introduction The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation’s Subcommittee on Space and Science held a hearing entitled “Government Promotion of Safety and…
U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee “The Mineral Supply Chain and the New Space Race” Tuesday, December 12, 2023 Watch the Hearing Introduction The U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources’ (CNR) Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing entitled “The Mineral Supply Chain and the New Space Race” on Tuesday,…
HONORING THE 117TH CONGRESS The midterm election cycle is at its height. Within a few weeks, the space community will know the makeup of the 118th Congress, where the power will lie, and who will likely lead committees in Washington D.C. First, a moment to honor lawmakers who have passed away during the 117th Congress…
What do a human exploration program, a military branch, and a federal regulatory body have in common? Each of these entities contributed significantly to the development of space policy and U.S. space strategy in the past year and continue to be major contributors in 2022. This paper provides an overview and analysis of three significant…
The Space Policy Review is a summary of the key space policy activities, legislation, and funding during the past year. This document is a new initiative, intended to provide a snapshot of key issues within space policy that are of significant consequence across the space community. This document serves as a tool for recent policy decisions as…