tech track papers
Categories: 2019, Proposed Space Technology
Developing Standards for Space & CubeSat Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
In the era of rapidly evolving threats that require faster cycle times for fielding and modifying warfighting capabilities, standards provide vendors and operators with the ability to focus on advanced technologies while building on known, time-proven standards. Col (Ret) Steven (Steve) A. MacLaird, Object Management Group’s (OMG) SVP for Government & Industry Strategy will discuss the role open standards and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) play so future platforms can keep up with evolving threats and emerging technologies. Also covered in this timely session is how the OMG-managed programs advance multiple initiatives and products in horizontal and vertical trade spaces, cybersecurity, ontologies that benefit the military, industry, international partners and universities and how these initiatives reduce training and logistics across systems. Finally, you’ll learn about current work being done already in the areas of business; engineering; ground stations for NASA, NOAA, and the US Air Force; Secure Networking Communications (SNC); Space; SysML® as well as on CubeSat Systems Reference Model (CSRM). The CSRM is intended for instruction and for designing and building a mission-specific CubeSats.
Author: Steven “Steve” MacLairdTopic: Proposed Space Technology/ Service Solutions to Terrestrial Challenges
PRESENTATION Steve McLaird - OMG-Space Symposium 2019 04 08 1.2.pdf
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