tech track papers
Categories: 2016, Architecture and Systems
Enterprise Ground Transformation at NESDIS
The National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS) acquires, operates, and sustains geosynchronous and polar weather satellites for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. These platforms provide key observations for the National Weather Service and a variety of other US users and international partners. Recently NESDIS began activities to transform its ground enterprise from the traditional model of stand-alone systems into an integrated capability that is more flexible, responsive, sustainable, and cost effective. This presentation describes results to date, including the Concept of Operation and initial Business and Information Architecture views. It also provides examples of early enterprise activities nearing completion and the underlying service oriented architecture that provides the technical basis for the long-term to-be end state. Finally it illustrates the challenges associated with creating change on an enterprise scale.
Author: Steven PetersenTopic: Architecture and Systems
Enterprise Ground Transformation at NESDIS
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