Global Space
Space Agency Spotlight: Canadian Space Agency (CSA ASC)
Written by: developer
Probably best known for the Canadarm, the Canadian Space Agency was established in March 1989 and through an Act of Parliament, was proclaimed in December 1990. This mission of the Canadian Space Agency “is committed to leading the development and application of space knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and humanity.” In order to achieve their mission, the Agency nurtures all areas of the organization to pursue excellence collectively, advocates a client-oriented attitude, supports employee-oriented practices and open communications, commits itself to both empowerment and accountability and pledges to cooperate and work with partners to their mutual benefit.
Twelve Canadians have been selected to become astronauts, and two are currently active Lieutenant-Colonel Jeremy Hansen and Dr. David Saint-Jacques. The famed Canadarm made its first grand journey to space aboard NASA’s Columbia STS-2 mission in 1981. The robotic arm, also known as the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System, supported astronauts during spacewalks (pictured right), and assisted in setting satellites into orbit and retrieved others in need of repair. It knocked ice off the Shuttle’s wastewater dumping vents, loosened a jammed solar array panel and had two IMAX cameras attached on the lower boom. The robotic technology used in the Candarm have also been adapted for life on Earth, including medical benefits such as the NeuroArm used in surgical rooms.
The Agency announced in June 2015, that they plan to send two astronauts into space by 2024 as part of a decision to renew the countries participation in the International Space Station (ISS). To learn more about the Canadian Space Agency, click here.
This article is part of Space Watch: August 2015 (Volume: 14, Issue: 8).