Report from Headquarters
Support Needed for HQ
Written by: developer
Now that the Space Foundation has purchased a new headquarters facility, it is seeking funding for facility renovations, including creation of public spaces.
According to Space Foundation CEO Elliot Pulham, the Space Foundation envisions a number of components that students, teachers, visiting space delegations and the general public can visit. This includes indoor and outdoor displays of space artifacts, a Space Technology Hall of Fame®, a conference facility and classrooms and educational laboratories.
The new public spaces will enhance and complement the Space Foundation Discovery Institute, which serves as headquarters for the Space Foundation's education programs and will remain on the campus of Jack Swigert Aerospace Academy, also in Colorado Springs.
"The Space Foundation is growing as an organization and in service to the local community," said Pulham. "But, we can't do it without additional support."
He said that the Space Foundation is seeking cash and in-kind contributions of goods and services, plus artifacts for its public displays.
Because the Space Foundation is designated as an El Paso County (Colo.) Enterprise Zone project, contributions of $250 to $100,000 are eligible for a 25 percent Colorado state tax credit and in-kind contributions up to $50,000 are eligible for a 12.5 percent Colorado state tax credit. For details, click here.
Pictured: Artist's rendering of proposed Space Foundation headquarters; courtesy of The Larson Group Architects
This article is part of Space Watch: February 2011 (Volume: 10, Issue: 2).