Space Awareness
Has Space Saved Your Life?
Written by: developer
Has Space Saved Your Life – Literally or Figuratively?
People tell us all the time that space is a “lifesaver.” Sometimes it’s just a phrase to credit GPS for finding that obscure restaurant where you’re interviewing for your dream job. Sometimes, it’s an apt description of a medical device that pinpoints a previously undetectable cancer or keeps an erratic heartbeat in rhythm.
We’d like to hear your stories about how space technologies have “saved” your life. By all means share your funniest “GPS-Saved-Me-From-Getting-Lost” sagas. But, also feel free to share how a space technology stopped the spread of disease… or detected a potentially disastrous fire… or kept you warm when your hiking party was hit by an unexpected blizzard… or inspired you to a career that changed your life. You get the idea.
Just email your story to [email protected] OR post it on our Facebook page. We’ll share your story – and if we really love it, we might just send you a prize!
Be sure to let us know if it’s OK to use your name.
And, ask your friends and co-workers to share their stories as well. The Space Foundation wants to help people understand how important space is to the lives we live on Earth. Stories can be the best way to do that. Please share.
Pictured: In 2010, NASA technology saved the lives of 33 Chilean miners trapped underground after a mine collapse.
Want to know more? Learn about the Space Foundation’s Space CertificationTM and Space Technology Hall of Fame® programs.
This article is part of Space Watch: July 2012 (Volume: 11, Issue: 7).