Tesla's Toolbox Project for January is App Development
Written by: developer
The Space Foundation’s monthly tinkering program has a new name – Tesla’s Toolbox. One Saturday each month, come tinker at the Discovery Center and meet fellow tinkerers while working on exciting and challenging projects.
Our workshop project on Jan. 23 will be app development. Participants will learn the basic skills and steps needed to create an app for a smart device. This is a great opportunity for beginners to see what the world of app development is like. Come to the Discovery Center at 10:00 a.m. and bring your own smart device.
Tesla’s Toolbox – Jan. 23 – App Development
10:00 a.m. – noon
Learn how to create an app
Fee: Discovery Center admission plus $10 to participate in the workshop. Please bring your own smart device.
Coming up in February — Mars Rover Design Challenge. Use Lego(R) NXT kits to construct an end effector for a Mars rover. Don’t know what an “end effector” is? Come find out as we tinker with Lego robots!
Tesla’s Toolbox – Feb. 20 – Mars Rover Design Challenge
10:00 a.m. – noon
Fee: Discovery Center admission plus $10 to participate in the workshop
About the Discovery Center
The Space Foundation Discovery Center is the region’s only space, science and technology attraction, and is located just minutes from Garden of the Gods Park, at 4425 Arrowswest Drive, Colorado Springs.
Discovery Center admission is $10.00 for adults, $4.50 for children ages 4-17, $1.00 for children ages 2-3 and children under 2 are free. Military discounts are available. For other information, click here, or call the Space Foundation at 719.576.8000.
This article is part of Space Watch: January 2016 (Volume: 15, Issue: 1).