tech track papers

Categories: 2017, The Business of Space Systems

Small Satellites: The Execution and Launch of a GPS Radio Occultation Instrument in a 6U Nanosatellite

Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems (Tyvak) and GeoOptics, Inc. (GeoOptics) partnered in 2014 to develop and deploy GeoOptics’s CICERO constellation of satellites. Together, they have completed design, assembly and testing of the first three satellites in a constellation designed to gather vital data on the Earth’s weather, climate and environment.

The program utilizes Tyvak’s Endeavour small satellite platform, which incorporates spacecraft bus subsystems, high-speed communications, 3-axis high performance attitude control and significant power provisions. The first satellite will test and demonstrate the newly developed instrument and the integrated satellites, providing data for consumption by scientists around the world.

In the past, large satellites have executed these missions. Small satellite missions collect more distributed data with faster revisit times around Earth. The GPS Radio Occultation instrument development was built with modern commercial electronics, and as a result is a fraction of the mass and power of current GPS Radio Occultation instruments in operation, with equal or better performance.

Data gathered from these satellites will provide weather monitoring and forecasting information to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other government and commercial customers. Three satellites are scheduled to launch in March 2017.



Author: Dave Williamson
Topic: The Business of Space Systems

  • Small Satellites: The Execution and Launch of a GPS Radio Occultation Instrument in a 6U Nanosatellite

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