Report from Headquarters
Space Foundation Welcomes Two New Corporate Supporters
Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team
The Space Foundation recently welcomed TGV Rockets as a new corporate partner and the School of Systems and Enterprises at the Stevens Institute of Technology as a new corporate patron.
TGV Rockets ( specializes in the design of aerospace vehicles including reusable launch vehicles, high altitude aircraft, lighter than air vehicles, orbital mission designs, and micro-satellites. Located in Norman, Okla., for more than ten years TGV has proven effective in areas such as detailed design of aero-structures, high speed computational fluid dynamics, thermal analysis, mechanical design, propulsion system design, and liquid propulsion systems. TGV also demonstrates advances through products such as bolt-on thermal protection systems and RT30 reusable rocket engines.
The School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology ( uses an open academic model emphasizing global partnerships in Systems and Enterprises-related research and education with industry and government. Their program allows professionals to combine robust technical education in space systems design and development and key space systems processes and tools with a holistic understanding of systems engineering principles. Located in the New Jersey/New York metropolitan area, they offer a master's degree in systems engineering and graduate certificate in space systems.
Space Foundation corporate members receive significantly lower exhibit rates; complimentary registration(s) to the National Space Symposium; special offers and discounts on sponsorships; invitations to special meetings with key government and/or industry leaders; advance notification of significant marketing and business development opportunities; and much more. Visit the Space Foundation's Web site at for more information and a complete list of our members.
This article is part of Space Watch: February 2008 (Volume: 7, Issue: 2).