Report from Headquarters
Maryland Teachers, Students See S.T.A.R.S.
Written by: developer
The Space Foundation conducted a team-teaching in-service rocketry workshop for 10 Charles County (Md.) Public School 5th grade science teachers on Dec. 7 that provided ideas and lessons the teachers could take directly back to their classrooms. Space Foundation Aerospace Education Specialists Bobby Gagnon and Melissa Peterson used standards-based activities to show the teachers how to integrate rocketry into math, language arts, and social studies, as well as into science classes. The teachers who attended are taking back what they learned and working with other teachers in their schools to incorporate the ideas into their classrooms, as well.
Following the Dec. 7 session, Gagnon and Peterson spent two days team-teaching a Space Foundation S.T.A.R.S. (Science, Technology, and Academic Readiness for Space) class with the teachers who participated in the Monday rocketry workshop. The students learned about the basics of rocketry, built and launched their own straw rockets, and learned about launch angles and the importance of calculating the center of mass and the center of pressure.
To read about additional courses taught in Charles County, Md., in December, see the related article in Space Watch. To see all of the education programs held in Charles County or other Space Foundation education programs, go to
This article is part of Space Watch: January 2010 (Volume: 9, Issue: 1).