Space Foundation News
Read Space Watch for Good Stuff
Written by: developer
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Aug. 9, 2010) — The August issue of Space Watch went out last week. If you are a subscriber, make sure to take some time to read it. If you don’t subscribe, click here to see the Space Foundation’s monthly e-newsletter. It’s free and it’s full of interesting information.
This issue includes articles on Space Foundation education programs, pending space legislation, the upcoming Space Technology Hall of Fame® deadline, examples of how space technology is improving life on Earth, news on Space Foundation supporters, an explanation of what sci-fi movies get wrong, and links to fun stuff on the Internet, including excerpts from the Late Show with David Letterman and The Colbert Report.
Plus, you can vote on your Favorite Space Hero.
After you read Space Watch, be sure to click the subscribe button at the bottom so that you can continue to receive issues every month.
Pictured: Photo of the Cat’s Eye Nebula located in the constellation of Draco, part of The Christian Science Monitor’s Space Photo of the Day, which can be accessed through Space Watch.