Report from Headquarters
Apply Now for Scholarship for Hawaiian Teacher
Written by: developer
Educators of Hawaiian or part-Hawaiian ancestry or who work with pre-K-12 students of Hawaiian or part-Hawaiian ancestry have an extraordinary opportunity to travel to Colorado Springs, Colo., to learn how to use space in the classroom.
Each year, the Space Foundation provides professional development opportunities for a qualified Hawaiian educator through the Lucy Enos Memorial Scholarship, which covers tuition, fees, travel expenses and lodging for the recipient to travel to Colorado Springs and participate in one of the Space Foundation Discovery Institute’s week-long Space Across the Curriculum courses. Typically, one scholarship is awarded annually; the next recipient will attend classes during the summer of 2011. The application deadline is April 15, 2011.
The teacher may elect to receive continuing education or graduate academic credit for the course; graduate credit may be applied toward one of several master’s degrees offered by the Space Foundation and partner universities. The full-day, week-long classes are held at the Space Foundation Discovery Institute, 105 Coleridge Ave., Colorado Springs.
Application Details
Scholarship applicants should become familiar with Space Foundation teacher training and Space Across the Curriculum programs by visiting the Foundation’s website at
Interested teachers should apply by submitting a letter, not exceeding two pages, detailing the motivation for applying, interest in space themes in the classroom, what the applicant hopes to gain from the experience, and how the knowledge gained will be applied in the classroom. The application letter must be endorsed with a letter of support by a principal or other supervisor.
Applications must be received no later than April 15, 2011, and should be addressed to:
Iain Probert, vice president – education
Space Foundation
310 S. 14th Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
The recipient will be notified in early May 2011.
Scholarship Honors Space Foundation CEO’s Grandmother
Established in 2005 and funded by Space Foundation Chief Executive Officer Elliot Holokauahi Pulham and his wife, Cynthia A. Pulham, the scholarship honors the memory of Elliot’s grandmother, Lucy Enos, who was born in Pahala, Hawai’i, in 1898. Enos’ father was a Scottish immigrant and her mother, Keali’iholokahiki, was a native Hawaiian. Lucy married Henry Enos and together they raised a son, a daughter, and three adopted children while successfully homesteading a sugar plantation in Pahala and a cattle ranch on lands in Kioloka’a and Kamaoa. Enos died in Hilo, Hawai’i, in 1976.
This article is part of Space Watch: February 2011 (Volume: 10, Issue: 2).