Space in Our Lives

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The space business cuts across public, private, civil, and military activities to such an extent that it is a significant component of the national workforce, gross domestic product (GDP), job growth and economic growth. It is predicted to be an even greater contributor in the future as we become more dependent on space-based technologies in…

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Space Commerce in the Future

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This session will explore how space commerce and its related industries will evolve over the next 5-20 years. We will discuss ways in which current businesses can prepare for and capitalize on upcoming changes. Every business is unique and has its particular strengths.

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Mining for Customers

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In this session, participants will learn how to develop “the corporate pitch” for use in preparing for industry conferences, symposiums, and meetings; market themselves effectively at conferences; approach potential customers; develop rewarding and long-lasting customer relationships; and understand how to work with various sized companies from the prime contractors through the entire supply chain.

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Managing in the Aerospace Industry

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How is operating in the space industry different from other industries? In this course, we will discuss those differences and what they mean for managing a space company. Discussion will include contracting, U.S. regulations and oversight, the rate system and pricing proposals.

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Growing Your Business

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In this session, we will explore ways in which your business can grow or expand by considering new space-based technology applications, product lines or services. We will also analyze opportunities to expand into adjacent markets that rely on space technologies. We will do this by conducting market analyses, balancing growth plans with available capabilities and…

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Accounting and Financial Management in the Aerospace Industry

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In this session, we will look at accounting challenges which address the proper recording of costs and invoicing to the government as well as financial management and maximizing the value of your firm. This presentation will provide real life examples of accounting and finance challenges businesses face and how these challenges change as companies grow…

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Access to Growth Capital

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Access to Growth Capital has never been easier and at the same time more confusing for government contractors. In this session, we will provide an in-depth overview of five basic types of capital in the market: bank and non-bank options, mezzanine, merchant cash advance and equity. Each segment will focus on the balance sheet effects,…

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