Space Foundation Press Releases

Strategic Space 2003: Speakers confirmed, on-line registration now available

Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (May. 19, 2003) — Speakers representing a broad cross-section of the government and contractor national security space communities have confirmed their participation in Strategic Space 2003 – a highly focused, national security space conference, which takes place 2-4 September 2003 in Omaha, Neb., in support of America’s strategic space forces. Strategic Space 2003 is presented by the Space Foundation and Space Newsand is being conducted at the home of U.S. Strategic Command. On-line registration is now available for the event. To register or get more information, visit or call the Space Foundation at 1-800-691-4000. Strategic Space speakers include

  • Mr. Wes Bush, President, Northrop Grumman Space Technology
  • Lt Gen Patrick P. Caruana, USAF (Retired), Vice President, Northrop Grumman Missile Defense
  • LTG Joseph M. Cosumano, Jr., USA, Commander, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
  • RADM John P. Cryer, USN, Commander, Naval Network and Space Operations Command
  • ADM James O. Ellis, Jr., USN, Commander, United States Strategic Command
  • Lt Gen Thomas Goslin, Jr., USAF, Deputy Commander, United States Strategic Command
  • Mr. Paul Graziani, President and Chief Executive Officer, Analytical Graphics
  • Mr. Philip R. McAlister, Division Director, Space & Technology, Futron Corporation
  • Mr. Mark R. Oderman, Managing Director, CSP Associates, Inc.
  • Mr. Elliot G. Pulham, President & Chief Executive Officer, Space Foundation
  • Mr. Lon Rains, Vice President, Trade Publishing; Editor, Space News
  • The Honorable Peter Teets, Under Secretary of the Air Force, and Director, National Reconnaissance Office

Strategic Space 2003 brings together senior leadership of U.S. Strategic Command, component, supporting and supported commands, the aerospace contractor community, federal officials and other leaders to help advance the national security space interests of the United States. In addition to Strategic Space, the Space Foundation and its partnering organizations annually conduct the International Space Symposium, Oct. 28-30, 2003, at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.; Space at the Crossroads, scheduled February 18, 2004, in Washington, D.C; and the 20th National Space Symposium, scheduled March 29 – April 1, 2004, at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. For more information on the Space Foundation, visit For more information on Space News and U.S. Strategic Command, visit or