Space Foundation Press Releases
Industry leaders gather for Space at the Crossroads Conference
Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Nov. 13, 2003) — Senior government officials, leaders from throughout the military space community and industry executives will convene next February to discuss the critical issues affecting national security, commercial and civil space activities at the second annual Space at the Crossroads conference.
Space at the Crossroads is a highly focused one-day conference presented by Space Foundation and Space News in association with the U.S. Dept of Commerce, Satellite Industry Association, National Space Society, and Washington Space Business Roundtable. This event takes place Feb. 18, 2004, at the U.S. Navy Memorial and Naval Heritage Center in Washington, D.C.
Early confirmed speakers and panelists include VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Retired), Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans & Atmosphere, Department of Commerce and administrator, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Maj Gen John L. Barry, USAF, executive director, Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB); Brig Gen William L. Shelton, USAF, director, Policy, Resources & Requirements, United States Strategic Command; CAPT William F. Readdy, USN (Retired), associate administrator, Office of Space Flight, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA); Mr. John D. Schumacher, chief of staff, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA); Dr. Charles Elachi, director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) and vice president, California Institute of Technology; Mr. Brian E. Chase, executive director, National Space Society; Mr. Richard DalBello, president, Satellite Industry Association and Mr. Lon Rains, vice president, Trade Publishing – Editorial, Space Holdings, editor, Space News.
Panels focus on civil and national security space and include “Return to Flight — T minus?” “Space at War – A Report from the Field,” “What’s in the In-Box?” “Mars Missions – A First Look” and a featured commercial space roundtable. A networking luncheon is planned at the Caucus Room restaurant.
Early registrations prior to Feb. 11, 2004, save $50 off the standard rate or $20 off the government rate. On-line registration and conference details are available at or by calling the Space Foundation at 1-800-691-4000.
Published by Space Holdings, Space News is the premier business-to-business international newsweekly dedicated entirely to space and aerospace business. Visit for more information.
About the Space Foundation
The Colorado Springs, Colo.-based Space Foundation is a national non-profit organization, which vigorously advances civil, commercial, and national security space endeavors and educational excellence. In addition to Space at the Crossroads, the Space Foundation annually conducts, along with it partnering organizations, the National Space Symposium, scheduled March 29 -April 1, 2004, at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs; and Strategic Space 2004, scheduled Oct. 5-7, 2004, in Omaha, Neb.
The Foundation manages the on-site NASA Educational Resource Center; offers two distinct Master’s in Space Studies Degrees in conjunction with the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and Regis University; and has trained more than 30,000 teachers since 1986 on Teaching With Space through Space Discovery graduate courses and national conferences. For more information, visit