Space Foundation Press Releases
From Space to Earth: superfilters, smart fabrics, imaging systems to be inducted into the Space Technology Hall of Fame
Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Mar. 24, 2005) — The Space Foundation and NASA today announced the selection of four `down to Earth` technologies for induction into the Space Technology Hall of Fame. The 2005 winners range from temperature regulating `phase change` fabrics to advanced water filtration technology that can provide safe drinking water to people around the world. The result of successful NASA and private industry research and development efforts, the four new space-based technologies to be inducted into the Hall of Fame are InnerVue Diagnostic Scope System, NanoCeram Superfilters, Outlast Technologies, Inc. Smart Fabric Technology, and Portable Hyperspectral Imaging Systems. Each brings to Earth a different life-enhancing benefit and all incorporate space technology. Space Foundation President and Chief Executive Officer Elliot G. Pulham said, “The 2005 Hall of Fame inductees represent space technologies that save lives and improve the quality of life for thousands of people every day. They are great examples of why what we do in space matters on Earth.” The inducted technologies and innovators will be honored at the 17th Space Technology Hall of Fame Dinner, to be held April 7 at The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo. The awards dinner, co-sponsored by Northrop Grumman, is the capstone event of the 21st National Space Symposium, April 4-7. The Space Foundation, in cooperation with NASA, established the Space Technology Hall of Fame in 1988 to honor the innovators who have transformed space technology into commercial products, to increase public awareness of the benefits of space technology, and to encourage further innovation. “As we turn our eyes toward the stars, it is important to remember the life-saving and life-enhancing technologies that space exploration brings back to Earth,” said NASA Acting Administrator Frederick Gregory. “The 2005 inductees into the Space Technology Hall of Fame are great examples of how the exploration of space builds value for people on Earth,” added Gregory. The 2005 Space Technology Hall of Fame Inductees are: InnerVue Diagnostic Scope System The InnerVue Diagnostic Scope System uses space image enhancement technology and a disposable micro-invasive endoscope to enable doctors to see clearly inside joints with minimum patient discomfort. For example, with this new technology patients are able to walk immediately after a knee examination and also receive a quick and accurate medical diagnosis. Outlast Technologies, Inc. Smart Fabric Technology Derived from research on materials to protect astronauts against extreme temperature fluctuations in space, Outlast Smart Fabric Technology contains micro encapsulated phase change materials called Thermocules that can absorb, store and release heat. This patented technology is used in a range of consumer products such as active wear to create a comfort zone next to the body. NanoCeram Superfilters The mounting threat of contaminated water supplies has increased the need for technology to remove waterborne pathogens. Thanks to cooperative efforts between NASA and others to develop advanced water filtration systems for spacecraft, NanoCeram Superfilters were developed. Comprised of nanometer size particles, these filters far exceed current filtration systems and can handle the most difficult treatment requirements for industrial, residential and recreational water purification. Portable Hyperspectral Imaging Systems Hyperspectral imagery provides hundreds of “spectra,” or measurements of energy making it possible to distinguish between natural and manmade objects. Working with NASA, the Institute for Technology Development (ITD) has radically reduced sensor size and eliminated the need for sensor or target motion to obtain images. These innovations have led to a portable device that has opened a range of new diagnostic applications in the bio-medical, forensics, counter terrorism, food safety, and Earth imaging markets. About the National Space Symposium More than 6,500 registrants, guests, speakers, exhibitors and media are expected to attend the 21st National Space Symposium. Hosted by the Space Foundation, the symposium is the premier annual space industry conference anywhere in the world. Confirmed featured speakers for the symposium include The Honorable Dr. Ronald M. Sega, director of defense research and engineering for the Department of Defense; Adm. Timothy J. Keating, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command; Gen. James E. Cartwright, commander of U.S. Strategic Command; and Gen. Lance W. Lord, commander of Air Force Space Command. In addition to the Space Technology Hall of Fame Awards dinner, co-sponsored by Northrop Grumman, the symposium kicks off on Monday, April 4, with a spectacular opening ceremony, co-sponsored by The Boeing Company; opening night reception, co-sponsored by ITT Industries; and opening night dessert reception and fireworks, co-sponsored by General Dynamics. Sponsorship highlights include the 34,000-square-foot exhibit center, co-sponsored by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.; media center, co-sponsored by Lockheed Martin Corporation; corporate partnership dinner, co-sponsored by Raytheon Company; corporate partnership reception, co-sponsored by the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce; and the General James E. Hill Lifetime Space Achievement Award luncheon, co-sponsored by the Colorado Space Coalition. Additional co-sponsors include Analytical Graphics, Inc., ATK Thiokol, BAE Systems, Booz Allen Hamilton, Cisco Systems, Colorado Institute of Technology, Computer Sciences Corp., EcoQuest International, Florida Space Authority, GlobalSpec, Harris Corporation, Hewlett Packard, Holland & Hard LLP, Honeywell Aerospace, Infinite Links, Inmarsat, Perot Systems,, Space News, SpaceVest, Stellar Solutions, Swales Aerospace and t/Space. For complete conference details and online registration, visit or call the Space Foundation toll-free in the United States and Canada at 800.691.4000. About the Space Foundation Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colo., the Space Foundation is a national nonprofit organization that vigorously advances civil, commercial, and national security space endeavors and educational excellence. The Space Foundation has offices in Washington, D.C., and Cape Canaveral, Fla. In addition to the National Space Symposium, the Space Foundation annually conducts, along with its partnering organizations, Space at the Crossroads, set for May 18, 2005, in Washington, D.C., and Strategic Space 2005, scheduled Oct. 4-6, 2005, in Omaha, Neb. For more information about the Space Foundation, visit NASA Contact: Glenn Mahone Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs 202.358.1898