Space Foundation Press Releases
Space Business Forum: New York Hits the Market
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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Jun. 17, 2008) — The inaugural Space Business Forum: New York will take place June 18, at the Hilton New York Hotel in New York City. Designed for Wall Street analysts, investment bankers, institutional advisors, and high-risk insurers Space Business Forum New York will enable meaningful dialogue with industry leaders about aerospace financing and investment opportunities across the $251 billion space economy.
This timely program includes a keynote luncheon address by The Honorable Newt Gingrich, chairman of the Gingrich Group and former speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Other featured speakers are Ms. Joanne M. Maguire, executive vice president, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company; Mr. Francois Auque, chief executive officer, EADS Astrium; George C. Nield, Ph.D., associate administer, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration; Mr. Stephen Attenborough, commercial director, Virgin Galactic; Mr. Eric C. Anderson, president and chief executive officer, Space Adventures, Ltd.; Mr. David L. Ryan, sector vice president and general manager of civil systems division, Northrop Grumman Space Technology; and Mr. John B. Higginbotham, managing member, SpaceVest.
Panel topics include “Sector Performance, Trends, and Expectations: Space, Aerospace, Defense, and Defense Electronics,” “Government Acquisitions – Where Space Dollars are Flowing in Aerospace,” “Hedgefunds and Private Equity,” “Converged Media- A Natural for Space,” and “On the Record – Aerospace Execs Talk Business.”
A full list of confirmed speakers and agenda are available at