Space Foundation News

Space Foundation Urges Passage of Modernization of Space-Related Export Laws

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The Space Foundation applauds today’s inclusion within the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act of language that significantly modernizes space-related provisions within the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) law. The Space Foundation believes these important changes can pave the way for the United States to regain lost ground and become more competitive in the global space arena.

“For years, we have watched the U.S. lose ground against global competitors because of the largely unintentional consequences of onerous regulations on space technology for export,” said Space Foundation Chief Executive Officer Elliot Pulham. “Now, thanks to the hard work of a number of individuals — most especially Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) and Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) — our nation may be able to once again begin to vigorously compete in an industry we helped invent.”

The language gives the administration discretion to transfer certain less sensitive satellites and satellite components from the restrictive United States Munitions List to the less restrictive Commerce Control List, thus allowing U.S. space businesses to sell more space products and services outside the U.S. and to enter into more business relationships with global partners.

“While this achievement has been a long time in coming, important steps remain in order to implement this change. We look forward to working with the administration in 2013 to ensure American space competitiveness is maximized while keeping sensitive technologies out of the wrong hands” said Pulham.

The Defense Authorization Act now needs to be passed by Congress and signed into law by the President.