Space Symposium

Space Warfighters Luncheon to Feature Lt. Gen. John W. "Jay" Raymond

Written by: developer

A proud tradition at the Space Foundation’s Space Symposium is the annual Space Warfighters Luncheon, which celebrates the men and women who serve in the military around the world. The luncheon highlights the role space assets play in providing security and solutions for keeping troops safe, informed and effective.

Lt. Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, USAF, Commander, 14th Air Force (Air Forces Strategic), Air Force Space Command; and Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space, U.S. Strategic Command, will be the featured speaker for this year’s Space Warfighters Luncheon on Tuesday, May 20, at The Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colo.

The Space Warfighters Luncheon is co-sponsored by United Launch Alliance (ULA), and is available only to Space Symposium attendees

Gen. Raymond recently assumed command of the 14th and is the key leader of Air Force Space Warfighters. As the U.S. Air Force’s operational space component to USSTRATCOM, Gen. Raymond leads more than 20,500 personnel responsible for providing missile warning, space superiority, space situational awareness, satellite operations, space launch and range operations. As Commander, JFCC SPACE, he directs all assigned and attached USSTRATCOM space forces providing tailored, responsive, local and global space effects in support of national, USSTRATCOM and combatant commander objectives.

See information about Space Symposium registration, and purchasing the luncheon meal tickets here.

This article is part of Space Watch: March 2014 (Volume: 13, Issue: 3).