Space Foundation News

Two More Days to Take Advantage of Early Bird Registration Rate

Written by: developer

Widely known as the most significant global space industry conference, the Space Foundation’s Space Symposium annually attracts more than 9,000 participants worldwide, including top decision makers from civil, military, commercial and academic institutions. The 30th Space Symposium will be held May 19-22, 2014, at The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo., USA.

A discount is currently available on standard industry registration, if paid by April 25, 2014. The Space Symposium website provides information in 71 languages, and includes the complete agenda and speakers list, plus registration information at

The Space Symposium provides the opportunity to network, meet with customers and make things happen, all in one place at one time. In addition to formal and informal networking opportunities with thousands of their colleagues, the typical government or industry senior executive participating in the Symposium will schedule up to 50 formal, one-on-one meetings during the Space Symposium. The caliber of participants, the extraordinary venue and the structure of the agenda create the perfect environment for making contacts and getting business done.

Register Now for Early Bird Rate
The 30th Space Symposium is preceded by a full-day cyberspace conference, Cyber 1.4 on Monday, May 19, at The Broadmoor Hotel. Cyber 1.4 requires separate registration, and a substantial discount is available when combined with Space Symposium registration.

See more details and register for both the Symposium and Cyber 1.4 here.

a.i. solutionsAeroflex Microelectronic Solutions; Aerojet RocketdyneAirbus Group, Inc.; Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI); ArianespaceATKBall Aerospace & Technologies Corp.; Booz Allen HamiltonColorado Space Business Roundtable (CSBR); Colorado Space Coalition; EaglePicher Technologies, LLCEl Pomar FoundationEuroconsultExelisFedEx; Fisher Space PenGovernment Executive Media Group; InmarsatIntelsat General CorporationLaunchspace; Lockheed Martin; Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB); MetiSpace Technologies, Inc.Millennium Engineering and Integration CompanyMoog Inc.Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme, Inc.; Northrop GrummanOrbital Technologies Corporation (ORBITEC); PAE; Pulsed HarmonixRaytheonScitor Corporation; Secure World Foundation; SES Government Solutions; SLS and Orion Industry Team; Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC); SpaceXSpincraftSSLStellar Solutions,Inc.; The Boeing CompanyThe SI OrganizationUnited Launch Alliance; and Universities Space Research Association (USRA)Aviation WeekSatNews Publishers; SpaceNews and TechBriefs Media Group are media partners.