Space Foundation Press Releases

Space Foundation Congratulates NASA/Industry Team on Successful Test Firing of Space Launch System Solid Rocket Booster

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (March 11, 2015) - NASA and its industry partners today conducted a successful test firing of the new, five-segment solid rocket booster for the Space Launch System (SLS), the new U.S. launch system that will take astronauts beyond low Earth orbit. During the test, in Promontory, Utah, the new rocket booster generated full thrust for two minutes, creating a 5,000 degree fahrenheit plume, simulating and testing the rocket's performance, paving the way for future flights of the SLS system.

"Today's test flight marks another successful milestone in the U.S. effort to return humans to the exploration of space, beyond low Earth orbit," said Space Foundation CEO Elliot Pulham. "It's been nearly four years since a solid rocket booster was used on the last flight of the space shuttle, and seeing this new, more-capable SRB at work is an exciting development," Pulham said.

"Coming on the heels of December's successful test flight of the Orion spacecraft, today's test demonstrates a determined and, thus far, successful march forward in human space exploration," said Pulham. "Congratulations to NASA, Orbital ATK and the entire SLS team."

About the Space Foundation
Founded in 1983, the Space Foundation is the foremost advocate for all sectors of space, and is a global, nonprofit leader in space awareness activities, educational programs and major industry events, including the annual Space Symposium, in support of its mission "to advance space-related endeavors to inspire, enable and propel humanity." Space Foundation World Headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo., USA, has a public Discovery Center, including El Pomar Space Gallery, Northrop Grumman Science Center featuring Science On a Sphere® and the Lockheed Martin Space Education Center. The Space Foundation has a field office in Houston and conducts government affairs from its Washington, D.C., office. It annually publishes The Space Report: The Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity, and through its Space CertificationTM and Space Technology Hall of Fame® programs, recognizes space-based innovations that have been adapted to improve life on Earth. Visit, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube, and read our e-newsletter Space Watch.