Space Foundation News

Volunteer with the Space Foundation and Space Foundation Discovery Center Team

Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team

While it may sound cliché’, it is true that the Space Foundation could not do the work we do without the generous support of volunteers. We could not do the extent of programming, community and industry events or the public and educational outreach we do without the support of volunteers who have a passion and enthusiasm for space and all areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). We have volunteers supporting our day to day programming in our public Discovery Center, working with both the student and educational groups and the public programming the Discovery Center also offers, (pictured below right). 

We have volunteers supporting team in our headquarters offices in various areas and, where we see the largest impact of volunteer support, is at our Space Symposium held each year in the spring at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colo. We see more than  300 volunteers supporting the Symposium each year (pictured above). We are impacted greatly by this support and if you’re interested, would enjoying sharing information regarding these opportunities with you.

The Space Foundation offers both long and short-term volunteer opportunities assisting in all the ways listed above. We are flexible and offer great benefits for volunteering. We are always recruiting for Discovery Center year-round volunteers, and headquarters volunteers. We are also currently recruiting for the 34th Space Symposium volunteers. The 34th Space Symposium will be held April 16 -19, 2018, here in our hometown of Colorado Springs. Learn more here about those opportunities here

To learn more about our year-round volunteer opportunities, or for our event volunteer opportunities, such as the Symposium, you can inquire for more information from our Volunteer Program Manager, Jennifer Walters at [email protected]. You may also attend our Open House Recruitment event, which will be held Thursday, March 8, 2018, from 4:00 – 5: 30 p.m. This event will be held at our headquarters off of Garden of the Gods Rd.

Space Foundation Headquarters

4425 Arrowswest Dr.

Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Please do RSVP to [email protected] if you would like to attend the Open House Recruitment event.