Space Policy
Space Policy Pod – Episode 2: Matthew Scholl
Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team

This episode features a discussion on cybersecurity with Matthew Scholl of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Scholl is the Chief of the Computer Security Division in the Information Technology Laboratory at NIST. He is responsible for the development of cryptographic standards used by the U.S. Government and internationally, cybersecurity research and development at NIST, and cybersecurity standards and guidelines for federal agency security programs. He also co-leads NIST’s participation with cybersecurity national and international standards development organizations (SDOs) and associated conformance testing programs.
Episode 2: Matthew Scholl
(Advancing Cybersecurity in Space: A Discussion with NIST’s Matthew Scholl)
20 May 2020
Chief, Computer Security Division, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
About the Space Policy Pod
Given the current real-world challenges confronting all of us, the Space Foundation has joined the MITRE Corporation, AIAA, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to produce this podcast series to examine events and ideas affecting the space sector. We hope the episodes serve as an enlightening discussion on the relevant topics of the day with insights from key policymakers in the field.
The Space Policy Pod series unites leading organizations in space to share timely thinking in the new environment and upcoming changes to the policy landscape. Each episode will feature an open and candid discussion with a prominent policy leader to bring new insights to the space community.