Make a Donation

Your donation. Twice the impact!

Every $50 donation received May 1st through Father’s Day, June 16th, will fund a STEM experience for a student served by Space Foundation. It will also gift a Discovery Center Passport membership to a military family supported by Mt. Carmel!

In addition to various benefits, the Discovery Center Passport offers year-round entry to Space Foundation Discovery Center. It is currently undergoing a remarkable renovation and expansion, making it an ideal time to explore and engage in new, thrilling opportunities for discovery and education! In addition, the Passport will provide admission to more than 350 science centers and museums worldwide – fueling learning opportunities for children and offering military families the chance to cherish quality time together.

You can launch the dreams of future explorers and fuel community belonging in military families!

Military Family

“It all started with one call. I booked an appointment with Mt. Carmel, and soon enough, I met in person with a peer navigator who changed my life forever. I was not supported based on my spouse’s rank, but as a human being with an immense potential to become anything I wanted in the world. From day one, I was sent home with an incredible amount of inspiration that I did not know I had in me.”

- Client of Mt. Carmel


Shine Bright!

Your Star. Their Future.

Join us in the exciting expansion of our Discovery Center with a unique opportunity to leave your mark among the stars that adorn our newly enhanced stellar environment! Claim your spot on the custom awe-inspiring mural wall, brimming with stars aglow of the combined brilliance of those who champion exploration, learning, and inventive thinking.

Mark family milestones and pay tribute to or remember loved ones. Acknowledge that exceptional individual in your life. Commemorate a simple gesture; celebrate a significant moment; the opportunities are as limitless as space with our commemorative stars.
