Nominate an Individual
In 2016, Space Foundation created the Colorado Space Heroes Hall of Fame to honor the astronauts, aerospace executives, government officials, scholars, and other public- and private-sector leaders who have contributed most significantly to the development, evolution, and success of that economy.
The award recognizes outstanding individuals who have distinguished themselves by making lifetime contributions to the welfare or betterment of humankind through:
- The exploration, development, and utilization of space, or
- The use of space technology, information, themes or resources in academic, cultural, industrial, or other pursuits of broad benefit to humanity.
Honorees are determined by a solicitation of nominations and the subsequent review of those nominations by a volunteer selection committee appointed by Space Foundation. Honorees are inducted into the Colorado Space Heroes Hall of Fame in a special reception. Proceeds help benefit Space Foundation STEM education programs, inspiring students to reach for the stars.
Selection Criteria
The award is presented to outstanding individuals who have made personal or professional contributions in the space ecosystem that span a decade or more, and who have lived or worked in Colorado to a significant extent.
Eligible Individuals
Any person (living or deceased) who, by technical, managerial, academic, scientific, private, public, political, governmental, journalistic, artistic, astronautic, or cosmonautic means, and through the exploration, development, or utilization of space, has realized a distinguished lifetime achievement that has:
- Space as its primary emphasis or focus, or
- Been carried out in such a manner that the individual is widely recognized as a “champion” of space.
Eligible Contributions
The lifetime achievement being honored must meet at least two of the following measures, in that it has:
- Significantly advanced the state-of-the-art of space technology
- Significantly advanced humankind’s understanding of space or space technology
- Significantly contributed to public understanding of, or support for space endeavors
- Significantly and positively shaped governmental policy toward space
- Effectively interpreted, through visual or other communicative arts, the majesty and importance of space
- Effectively provided — by management, advocacy, or design — significant, enduring, or crucial space systems or infrastructure
- Effectively employed space technologies, research systems, or space-derived data to improve the human condition through an artistic, scientific, or humanistic endeavor
Exemplification of Mission
Eligible persons must meet at least two of the following specific criteria:
- Publication or Public Speaking: Has written or published papers, textbooks, articles, etc., relating to the exploration, development or utilization of space, or has spoken in public forums such as conferences and symposia. (Examples: books and magazines, conferences and meetings, radio and television shows)
- Public Relations/Space Awareness: Has been active in promoting and disseminating information about space exploration, development, or utilization through any medium.
- Interdisciplinary Activity: Has been active with groups unrelated to space — whether they be professional, fraternal, industrial, academic, or community-based — resulting in a transfer of space knowledge to other professions or groups.
- Humanitarian Service: Has been active in community or public service not related to normal job responsibilities. (Examples: hospital or school boards, charitable community endeavors, government/civic service)
- Space Foundation Service: Has volunteered, or otherwise contributed significant or extended effort on behalf of the space community.