Space Foundation News

Summer Space Foundation Space Across the Curriculum Courses Begin

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Space Foundation Space Across the Curriculum teacher professional development courses started this week at two locations in Colorado Springs, Colo.

These intensive week-long graduate-level courses for pre-k – 12 educators provide space-related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) content that is instantly transferable to the classroom. All courses are hands-on and focus on national standards and STEM principles. Although the underlying concentration is on STEM, the courses are structured to adapt lessons to all grade levels and all curriculum areas. Participants do not need to be science or math teachers, and public, private and homeschool teachers from around the globe are welcome.

The course Biological and Physical Research: Long-Term Space Travel is held at the Space Foundation Discovery Institute in Colorado Springs and explores the effects of microgravity on the human body and the consequences of space exploration.

The other course that began this week is the first to be held at the new Space Foundation world headquarters at 4425 Arrowswest Drive in Colorado Springs. Earth Systems Science: Our Earth Revealed features geology field work at the nearby Garden of the Gods park and Manitou Springs.

Registration is still open for additional Space Across the Curriculum teacher professional development courses this summer. See the course description and registration information at

Pictured: Teachers in the Space Foundation Space Across the Curriculum course Earth Systems Science: Our Earth Revealed with instructor geologist Jay Temple (right) at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.