Space Foundation News
Festivities Mark Opening of New NASA Shuttle Exhibit
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Today the Space Foundation celebrated the opening of NASA’s first major visiting exhibit to its Discovery Center. The exhibit is called “Space Shuttle: Conquering Low Earth Orbit,” and includes videos, displays and touchable hardware, plus a 13-foot tall, 1:15 scale Space Shuttle full stack model.
Located at 4425 Arrowswest Drive, the Space Foundation Discovery Center is the region’s only space, science and technology attraction, and is open to the public from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Tuesdays through Saturdays.
Today’s festivities began with a posting of the colors from Boy Scout Troop 149 (pictured, left) of Falcon, Colo. Space Foundation CEO Elliot Pulham gave remarks and was joined by former NASA astronaut Col. B. Alvin Drew, USAF, Ret. (pictured, above right) for the ribbon-cutting. The exhibit was put together by Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. and is on temporary loan to the Space Foundation for a period of 90 days. During his opening remarks, Pulham said, “We have a terrific partnership with the folks at Marshall Space Flight Center, and for them to be able to commit this exhibit to us so soon in our history is a real honor for us.”
The crowd, which included many invited special and VIP guests, was also treated to live music from Super Power Music Group (pictured, right). The group is made up of twin brothers Donell and Domonique Hargrove, who travelled from Richmond, Va. to perform at today’s ceremony, and who have a passion for space and STEM education. Light refreshments were served following the ceremony.
To view a photo gallery of today’s events, click here.
About the Space Foundation Discovery Center
Daily admission to the Discovery Center is $9 for adults, $7 for seniors (age 65+), $7 for college students with I.D., $3 for children ages 4-17. Children age three years and younger are admitted free.
Admission is free with military I.D., to those affected by Colorado wildfires and to first responders.
The Discovery Center is a collection point for Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado. The public may bring food donations to the Discovery Center between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Saturdays, and anyone bringing a donation receives a $2 off admission coupon.
See more about the Discovery Center and detailed description of the space exhibits at