Space4U Podcast
Space4U Podcast: Tom Smokov & Craig Fairclough, Water Pure Technologies
Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team

In this episode:
We meet Tom Smokov, Cofounder and CEO, and Craig Fairclough, President, of Water Pure Technologies. Over the past 25 years, Smokov’s entrepreneurial vision has driven innovations in the way water is treated and filtered. He’s worked with federal, state, and international water quality codes, and his research has been focused on the development of safer, long-term solutions for point-of-use water treatment based on proven science and testing. Craig Fairclough came to Water Pure after 18 years in sales management, and together their goal is to provide the best possible drinking water throughout the world.
In this conversation, our guests explain how the water we believe to be clean can still contain bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, or hormones. Using a Nano Water Filtration Technology codeveloped by NASA for use on the International Space Station, these contaminants can be reduced by 99.999999%. Water Pure Technologies believes that clean drinking water is a human right, and they participate in many humanitarian efforts to supply clean water to regions of developing nations in need.
In discussing the high performance of their filter, Smokov says, “This is a game-changing filter, as far as its ability to save lives, treat lots of water, and it really does a great job. It's got the highest reduction of bacteria and viruses tested to date.”
To learn more about Water Pure Technologies and their line of products, visit

Transcript: Space4U podcast, Tom Smokoff-Craig Fairclough
Hello, I’m Carah Barbarick with the Space Foundation, and you're listening to the Space4U podcast. Space4U is designed to tell the stories of the amazing people who make today's space exploration possible. Today we are joined by Tom Smokoff and Craig Fairclough. Tom Smokoff is the co-founder and CEO of…
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