Space Foundation Press Releases

Inside Aerospace to address international aeronautics and space policy, trends and strategies

Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Apr. 14, 2006) — International government officials, agency officials, and industry leaders will participate in a specialized, in-depth conference that focuses on important issues affecting the global aeronautics and aerospace communities. The Space Foundation and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) present the conference 24-25 April 2006 at the Renaissance Washington Hotel.

Featured speakers will share dialogue and perspectives on a range of timely panels. Topics include: The Future of Commercial Flight, European Aeronautics Research , U.S. Aeronautics Research Strategy, Collaboration in Research Strategies – Vision for the Future, Competing Internationally – Head-Butting on a Global Scale, Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Progress Report, The Space Agency and Commercial Perspectives of Space Policy, and Emerging Trends in International Space Cooperation.

The Honorable Dr. Michael D. Griffin, NASA administrator, will be the featured speaker at Tuesday’s luncheon, sponsored by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, Inc.

Dr. William F. Ballhaus, Jr., president and chief executive officer, The Aerospace Corporation is the General Chair of Inside Aerospace.

Other speakers include:

  • VADM Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Retired), NOAA administrator and under secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere, U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Dr. Michael Francis, special assistant to the Director for Aeronautics, DARPA
  • Dr. Lisa Porter, associate administrator, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, NASA
  • Mr. Gary Powell, acting deputy under secretary for Industrial Policy, Office of the Secretary of Defense
  • Mr. Gregory Suchan, deputy assistant secretary, Defense Trade Controls, U.S. State Department
  • Dr. Robie Samanta Roy, assistant director for Space & Aeronautics, Office of Science & Technology Policy
  • Dr. Gene Whitney, National Science and Technology Council, Office of the Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President
  • Ms. Nancy S. A. Colleton, executive director, Alliance for Earth Observation
  • Mr. Daniel Mooney, vice president of Product Development, Boeing Commercial Airplanes
  • Dr. Peter Fichtmuller, chairman, Operations Commission, AeroSpace and Defense Industries Association of Europe
  • Mr. Andrew Shankland, vice president of Sales, Airbus North America
  • Lt Gen George K. Muellner, USAF (Retired), president, Advanced Systems, Integrated Defense Systems, The Boeing Company
  • Mr. Ralf Huber, national expert for Space Policy, European Commission DG Enterprise & Industry Directorate Aerospace, Security, Defense & Equipment
  • Mr. Martin U. Ripple. director, Space Galileo Program, European Aeronautical & Space Company
  • Dr. Joachim Szodruch, chairman, Advisory Council for Aeronautical Research in Europe
  • Mr. Lon Rains, vice president, Editorial, Imaginova, and editor, Space News.

Rolls Royce is sponsoring the breakfast on Tuesday, 25 April. A complete agenda, list of speakers, and registration are available online at

About AIAA

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) advances the state of aerospace science, engineering, and technological leadership. Headquartered in suburban Washington, DC, the Institute serves over 35,000 members in 65 regional sections and 79 countries. AIAA membership is drawn from all levels of industry, academia, private research organizations, and government. For more information, visit

About the Space Foundation

Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Colorado Springs, the Space Foundation is a national nonprofit organization that vigorously advances civil, commercial, and national security space endeavors and educational excellence. The Space Foundation has offices in Washington, D.C., and Cape Canaveral, Fla. In addition to Inside Aerospace, the Space Foundation also conducts, along with partnering organizations, Strategic Space and Defense, 10-12 Oct. 2006 in Omaha, Neb.; and Florida Space, Dec. 5-7, 2006, in Orlando, Fla. The Space Foundation’s signature event, the National Space Symposium, is scheduled for April 9-12, 2007, at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colo. For more information, visit

Additional Media Contact:

Sharon Grace

Corporate Communications, AIAA


[email protected]