Report from Headquarters

Team Members Aim High

Written by: developer

Team Members Aim High In keeping with the Space Foundation’s commitment to education, professional development, and training for its team members, Government Affairs Associate Tommy Sanford, of the Washington, D.C., government affairs team, has earned a Master of Professional Studies in Political Management from George Washington University.

The Master of Professional Studies in Political Management undertakes a comprehensive study of government relations, issues management, and advocacy, fundraising, polling and strategic research techniques, and political leadership. It was the first degree of its kind in the U.S., and is considered the premier masters program in the nation for professional applied politics. Differing from theory-based political science degrees the program is taught by faculty who are active practitioners in their political field, providing students with tangible tools and techniques to succeed in a non-partisan environment. Sanford’s studies emphasized space policy.

A member of the Space Foundation team since 2009, Sanford monitors space-related policy activity, manages outreach programs for the Washington, D.C., office, and writes monthly reports from Washington, D.C., for Space Watch.

In addition to Sanford’s accomplishment, two members of the Space Foundation education team are also pursuing master’s degrees. Three of the four Space Foundation space education specialists have master’s degrees.

Kaye Kerr, manager-protocol services, has graduated from Leadership Program of the Rockies, which provides emerging leaders in Colorado with in-depth analysis of important public policy issues.

The Leadership Program of the Rockies (LPR) identifies and brings together emerging leaders from the legal, economic, business, university, and political, nonprofit and civic professions to learn how visionary, principle-centered leadership can positively impact their community. LPR provides unique access to current state and national leaders to learn about today’s public policy challenges and what can be done to solve them.LPR trains emerging leaders in the practical skills – grassroots organizing, media relations, electoral politics, pressure group organization – they will need to effectively bring about solutions to their communities’ top challenges.

Kerr joined the Space Foundation in 2009 as special assistant programs and policy, and was recently promoted to her current position.

Pictured: Space Foundation Government Affairs Associate Tommy Sanford

This article is part of Space Watch: August 2010 (Volume: 9, Issue: 8).