Space Foundation News

Last Call for Space Foundation Survey: What's Space Got to Do With It?

Written by: developer

Last Call for Space Foundation Survey: What's Space Got to Do With It? Most people don’t have a clue about how much of their daily lives are improved by space innovations, things that were originally developed to complete space missions, safely launch rockets, keep astronauts healthy, make routine tasks possible in microgravity, conduct complex experiments, now used to make us safer, healthier, more comfortable and more efficient.

Before you ask if it really matters if people know where good ideas come from, look at how difficult it is to fund space programs — or to get politicians to support them. Perhaps if folks better understood the long-term, widespread impact of space research they wouldn’t be so quick to question the value of a space program.

So, do your part for space, for your own health and comfort — answer four simple questions in the Space Foundation survey — What’s Space Got to Do With It?

For ideas, go to or and take a look at some examples of space innovations and educational and inspiration programs. Your answers don’t have to come from our lists — but these could spur your thinking.

Survey participants will be entered in a drawing for fun and inspirational prizes, including:

  • A set of six posters commemorating the Space Shuttle program
  • A set of six postcards commemorating the Space Shuttle program
  • An autographed first edition copy of Sputnik’s Child, a novel by Fred Ledley
  • Space Foundation tee shirts
  • Space Foundation caps

Answer the bonus question about how space exploration has affected you personally — and double your chances to win. To take the survey, go to:

We normally say there are no wrong answers; but there are. If you answer Tang or Velcro®, you will be disqualified! Don’t get us wrong; both are great products, but neither was invented for the space program. And be sure to submit your answers by Monday, Oct. 3.

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