Space Foundation Sponsors SpaceVision 2011
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The Space Foundation is one of the sponsors of SpaceVision 2011, the largest student-organized space conference in the nation, which will be held Oct. 27-30 in Boulder, Colo.
The Space Foundation will host a booth and participate in the program; three Space Foundation executives will speak:
- Vice President - Education Iain Probert will conduct a STEM education outreach workshop on Friday, Oct. 28
- Vice President - Marketing and Communications Janet Stevens will participate in a panel discussion on Friday, Oct. 28, on space industry public relations and marketing with Alan Ladwig, deputy associate administrator - public outreach, Office of Communications, NASA, and Diane Murphy, president, Aquarius Group LLC and trustee, X-Prize Foundation
- Research Associate Tommy Sanford will speak about space policy on Saturday, Oct. 29
Probert and Stevens are based at the Space Foundation's headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo.; Sanford is based in Washington, D.C.
About SpaceVision 2011
Orchestrated by the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) and coordinated by the University of Colorado SEDS Chapter (CUSEDS), SpaceVision 2011 serves as the SEDS-USA annual conference and is dedicated to facilitating networking among college students, professionals and the public; furthering the development of the National SEDS-USA Committee; and sharing ideas through interactive lectures and workshops. SpaceVision 2011 is expected to attract 300-500 students and professionals from across the country and around the world.
SpaceVision 2011 is focusing on the effect the aerospace industry will have on the future regarding government policy, entrepreneurship and sciences. The event kicks off on Oct. 27 with a dinner featuring television personality, scientist and executive director of the Planetary Society, Bill Nye the Science Guy®. The agenda, which features speakers, panels, workshops and a career fair, concludes on Sunday, Oct. 30. Confirmed speakers, in addition to Probert, Stevens, Sanford, Ladwig and Murphy, include:
- Gary Barnhard, executive director, National Space Society
- Ben Brockert, research & development engineer, Armadillo Aerospace
- Bob Richards, co-founder, SEDS and International Space University
- Carissa Christensen, managing partner, The Tauri Group
- Ken Davidian, director - research for commercial space transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
- Diane Dimeff, executive director, eSpace
- Jon Goff, chief executive officer, Altius Space Machines
- Jeff Feige, chief executive officer, Orbital Outfitters
- Jeff Foust, senior analyst, Futron Corp.
- Bruce Jakosky, principal investigator, MAVEN Mission to Mars
- Barbara Lawton, program chair, Lockheed Martin Engineering Management Program
- George C. Nield, associate administrator - commercial space transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
- William Pomerantz, vice president - special projects, Virgin Galactic
- Daniel J. Scheeres, science team lead, OSIRIS-REx Mission; aerospace professor, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Mark Sirangelo, executive vice president, Sierra Nevada Corporation
- George Sowers, vice president - business development, United Launch Alliance
- Admiral Craig E. Steidle, president, Commercial Space Foundation
- Alan Stern, vice president - research & development, Southwest Research Institute
- Joseph R. Tanner, former NASA astronaut; senior aerospace engineering instructor, University of Colorado, Boulder
- William Watson, executive director, Space Frontier Foundation
About SEDS
SEDS started in 1980 as a joint venture between Peter Diamandis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Todd Hawley at Princeton University. The group had a simple vision that continues to serve as its underlying guiding principle today: to unite students with enthusiasm for the exploration and eventual development of space. The elected members of SEDS-USA act as a coordinating body for more than 25 chapters comprising 800 students at universities throughout the United States and international chapters, including UKSEDS and SEDS-India. For more information, click here.
This article is part of Space Watch: October 2011 (Volume: 10, Issue: 10).