Connect with Cyber Professionals at Cyber 1.4 Conference
Written by: developer
During its annual cyberspace conference, the Space Foundation provides a forum for cyber professionals and those new to the field to meet and discuss crucial issues affecting the global cyber domain.
Cyber 1.4 will be held Monday, May 19, at The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo., USA, immediately preceding the evening’s opening ceremony for the 30th Space Symposium.
The Space Foundation began hosting its annual cyber conference in 2010, taking the initiative to address a growing need by including an entire day of cyber-related discussion in conjunction with the annual Space Symposium.
We’ve continued to offer a cyberspace conference each year since, held during the day preceding the Space Symposium’s opening ceremony, and we’ve worked to provide a diverse and wide-ranging agenda that enables top level cyber decision makers, leaders and innovators to discuss the most pressing issues in the ever-changing cyber domain.
In addition to featured speakers and panel discussions, Cyber 1.4 will provide attendees with ample opportunity for networking during the conference.
Cyber 1.4 will begin with a networking breakfast, followed by a keynote address by Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.
Other networking opportunities at Cyber 1.4 include the luncheon and a concluding reception.
See more details, and register for both the Space Symposium and Cyber 1.4 at
This article is part of Space Watch: March 2014 (Volume: 13, Issue: 3).