Guessing Game Proceeds Fund STEM Education
Written by: developer
Hundreds Take Their Best Guess to Support the Future Workforce
Attendees at two recent Space Foundation events — Yuri’s Night and the 31st Space Symposium — had a chance to channel their inner mathematician, have a bit of fun and support Space Foundation Education programs by participating in a “Guessing Game.”
Those willing to take the challenge were given an opportunity to purchase a guess, or multiple guesses, to take their best shot at determining the number of “items” in a jar. The person closest to the actual number won the prize associated with the accompanying jar. The game was a fun way to raise funds for Space Foundation education programs that spark an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Hundreds took their best guess in support of STEM education! Congratulations to the following people who were the closest to guessing the correct number of items and won fabulous prizes:
Yuri’s Night Winners:
One night stay at The Broadmoor’s New Cloud Camp
Winner: David Wrightson, with a guess of 565 marbles (actual count 554)
One night stay and brunch at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort
Winner: George Pollock, with a guess of 3,791 star beads (actual count 3,659)
Birthday Party at the Space Foundation Discovery Center
Winner: Gayle White, with a guess of 650 pom-poms (actual count 665)
31st Space Symposium Winners:
Complimentary registration to the 32nd Space Symposium
Winner: Martin Littlehales, with a guess of 387 pom-poms (actual count 386)
One night stay at The Broadmoor
Winner: Kerri Van Horne, with a guess of 647 Legos (actual count 679)
$250 Gift Card to The Broadmoor
Winner: Matthew Parr, with a guess of 363 golf tees (actual count 358)
The Space Foundation is a leader in providing innovative STEM education. In the current school year alone, more than 8,000 students and teachers received invaluable STEM education through field trips to the Discovery Center, and more through distance delivered programs.
Big thanks to everyone who participated in the Guessing Game! Today’s youth must be a priority investment for a healthy and robust future workforce, and the Space Foundation is committed to building a brighter future by improving the quality of STEM education. Every dollar we receive is significant in helping us to inspire the next generation of engineers, scientists and technology professionals.
For more information on supporting the Space Foundation STEM Education Programs, please call the Philanthropy Department at 719-576-8000 or email [email protected].
This article is part of Space Watch: June 2015 (Volume: 14, Issue: 6).