Space Foundation News
Space Foundation Begins Its World Space Week Activities in China
Written by: Space Foundation Editorial Team

Each year, from Oct. 4–10, space enthusiasts around the globe celebrate World Space Week, spotlighting the benefits of space exploration and acknowledging the contributions it has made to our lives on Earth.
Leading up to its own World Space Week activities, the Space Foundation participated in the 2019 Future Space Scholars Meet International Final, held this week in Beijing, China. Space Foundation Vice President – Education, Bryan DeBates was in Beijing for the competition and provided the photos that accompany this article.
Teams of high school-age students from around the world competed to design a futurist space settlement. The international teams were combined and divided into “companies” to carry out a 24-hour extreme design challenge based on a request for proposal (RFP). The RFP specified that the students design a lunar colony for 200 workers at the South Pole of the Moon. They needed to come up with the technology and calculations to not only mine the water ice, but the minerals as well for commercial sale. They had to account for the calculations that would provide enough air, food, and power for the base. To account for additional revenue, the students needed to come up with a space tourism plan for 200 visitors each week.
Industry mentors guided students through the process leading up to a presentation in front of a panel of judges, with the final decision based on criteria of rationality, integrity, economy, and consistency.
Next year, the Space Foundation will host this international competition during the first week of October 2020, leading into its World Space Week activities.
The Space Foundation’s participation in the 2019 Future Space Scholars Meet International Final was part of its global STEM education outreach, which is conducted year-round, both virtually and in person. The goal is to build the next generation of space leaders and improve the overall quality of education through teacher, student, and community programs that use space themes to improve students’ interest and skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
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