Space Foundation News

Vautrinot Addresses Cyber Audience via Video

Written by: developer

Sidelined by travel restrictions, Maj. Gen. Suzanne Vautrinot, USAF, commander, 24th Air Force, commander, Air Force Network Operations, spoke via video teleconference to the Cyber 1.3 audience on April 8.

Speaking about the importance of cyber operations, Vautrinot put the magnitude of cyber crime in perspective, saying that the speed of technology evolution can be leveraged for good or for ill.

She said:

  • We’re defending against attacks every day
  • Every 60 seconds, 250 computers are hacked by malicious software and each of those computers are attached to at least 100 more and so on
  • Every day, there are 1 million cyber victims, approaching $500 billion in damages
  • There is an “unholy alliance” of individual criminals and nation states
  • Cyber crime is the greatest transfer of wealth in history
  • IP theft in U.S. companies is more than the illicit drug trade

She characterized the major issue as one of trust, saying that “everything we rely on is about cyber.” 

Vautrinot said situational awareness within architecture has allowed us to move to proactive defense in order to defend the mission. She also said that “common ground” in cyber will “make all the difference.” She said that shared technology must be applied against shared risk and that the Air Force is aware that it shares in the responsibility for mission assurance in the cyber domain.

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